What is PRX?
PRX-T33 is a non-peeling peel that was developed as a treatment for children with scars, it is revolutionary for correcting facelift scars, stretch marks, and sagging skin. This is a perfect solution for those who do not want the downtime of Fibroblast skin tightening but want similar results.
Can PRX be applied at any age?
Yes, PRX-T33 Perfect Intense Liquid is safe to use on clients
aged 5 and upwards:
•5-12 years: scars (chicken pox, impetigo)
•12-25 years: a substitute for facial cleansing (smoothes epidermis and facilitates the removal and pustules), stretch marks
•25-35 years: stretch marks
•35-45 years: beautification of the face, of the body, help prevention of skin aging, sagging breast skin
•> 45 years: hypotonic skin, sagging breast skin - Always suit the application technique to the type of skin, and monitor the skin's reaction during the application.
What ares of concern can PRX treat?
Sagging skin
Sagging breast skin
Acne scars
Lines and wrinkles
Dilated pores
Dull skin
What are benefits of PRX?
Suitable for all skin types
Painless treatment
Helps to strengthen the radiance and brightness of the skin
Immediate palpable firming
Immediate hydration of skin
Non-invasive skin tightening
It isn’t photosensitising, so you can do it in the summer months
Immediate reults
No downtime – No bruising, redness, so you can get right back to your everyday life
How Long does the application take in office?
A face and neck application takes around 20 minutes, including pre- and post- application.
How will the skin look immediately after PRX application?
Immediately after the application the skin will look brighter and feel
smoother and firmer; there may be some redness or light flaking, but these will recede in the following days. After the full cycle the skin’s texture will be more even and the pores and fine wrinkles will be less visible. The overall appearance of the skin will be rejuvenated and fresher.